Fear of Sleep / Elemantra / west ferry
Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United StatesFriday, September 22nd, @ 9pm, $12 21+ Fear of Sleep Elemantra west ferry
Friday, September 22nd, @ 9pm, $12 21+ Fear of Sleep Elemantra west ferry
Friday, November 24th @ 6:30pm doors, $15 presale / $20 door all ages
Thursday, December 21st @ 6:30pm doors, $10 presale, $15 day-of Songbirds (a Tribute to Fleetwood Mac) Songbirds is New York’s hottest Fleetwood Mac tribute band, dedicated to capturing the authentic […]
Wednesday, July 31st @ 7pm, $17 adv, $22 doors, 18+ Yace Booking presents... mc chris' The "I Thought This Was the Last Tour" Tour feat. Crunk Witch + Dr. Ooo
Yace Booking presents...20 Years of Touring with mc chris featuring special guest Swell Rell mc chris is most widely known for his reoccurring character MC P Pants on Adult Swim’s Aqua […]