Justin Roeland & Lady D / Sonny Baker / Oats Holy Roller / Andy Pothier

Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United States

Wednesday, November 6th, 8pm doors @ Nietzsche's, $5 21+ Yace Booking presents... Justin Roeland & Lady D (Justin Roeland and Nightswimmers) https://roeland.bandcamp.com/ Sonny Baker https://sonnybaker.bandcamp.com/ Oats Holy Roller https://shashashallows.bandcamp.com/releases Andy […]


Cooler / SMUG / Hundred Plus Club / Urban Planning

Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United States

Wednesday, November 27th (THANKSGIVING EVE), 8pm doors @ Nietzsche's, $5 21+ Yace Booking presents...Cooler https://cooler.bandcamp.com/ SMUG https://smugtheband.bandcamp.com/ Hundred Plus Club https://hundredplusclub.bandcamp.com/ Urban Planning https://urbanplanning.bandcamp.com/


Heave / Sidney Jeanne / Blunted Lip

Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United States

Wednesday, December 18th, 8:30pm doors @ Nietzsche's, $5 21+ Yace Booking presents... heave (solo) https://heavemusic.bandcamp.com/ Sidney Jeanne Music Blunted Lip (solo) https://www.instagram.com/blunted_lip/?hl=en


Humble Braggers / Deadwolf / the Burkharts / the Best Strangers / Urban Planning

Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United States

Tuesday, December 31st 8pm doors Nietzsche's, $5 21+ Yace Booking presents... NEW YEARS EVE feat. performances by Humble Braggers https://humblebraggers.bandcamp.com/ Deadwolf https://deadwolftheband.bandcamp.com/ The Burkharts https://theburkharts.bandcamp.com/ The Best Strangers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoJ79H6qEIU Urban […]


Advance Base / Ex-Pat / Senai Vessel

Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United States

Thursday, January 16th, 8pm doors, $10 21+ Yace Booking presents... Advance Base https://advancebase.bandcamp.com/ Ex-Pat https://ex-pat.bandcamp.com/ Sinai Vessel https://sinaivessel.bandcamp.com/


Boy Jr. / Hundred Plus Club / Dogs in Stereo / west ferry

Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United States

Friday, February 1st, 9pm doors, $7 21+ Yace Booking presents... Boy Jr. https://boyjr.bandcamp.com/ Hundred Plus Club https://hundredplusclub.bandcamp.com/ Dogs in Stereo https://dogsinstereo.bandcamp.com/ west ferry https://westferry.bandcamp.com/


Aircraft / Medusa / Fowls / KWKA

Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United States

Friday, February 7th, 9pm doors @ Nietzsche's, $7 21+ Yace Booking presents... Aircraft https://aircraftmusic.bandcamp.com/ Medusa https://med00sa.bandcamp.com/ Fowls (Rochester) https://fowls.bandcamp.com/ KWKA https://kwka.bandcamp.com/


SMUG / Previous Love Superficial / the Best Strangers

Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United States

Saturday, March 14th, 9pm doors, $7 21+ Yace Booking presents... SMUG https://smugtheband.bandcamp.com/ Previous Love https://previousloveny.bandcamp.com/ Superficial. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5s7g2BW4fGJgWTacwB1BxL?fbclid=IwAR03ODUhbA_aLxRZabaPx4AsI-4PPmX2EYIHeJF245xXli8NtI3fk-CEspY The Best Strangers


Passed Out / Cooler / Ex-Pat / Real Movement

Nietzsche's 248 Allen St., Buffalo, NY, United States

Saturday, September 18th @ 9pm, $8 21+ Passed Out Cooler Ex-Pat Real Movement
